1 |
Assessment of adaptive genetic diversity in teak and sandalwood to guide conservation and genetic improvement efforts
DBT, GoI |
2 |
Domestication, Sustainable Utilisation and Conservation of Pterocarpus santalinus (Red Sanders) Genetic Resources Sub Project 3 Genetic structure assessment for genecological zonation
National Biodiversity Authority |
3 |
Assessment of Melia dubia for growth performance in multilocation trials in Kerala
Kerala Forest Department |
4 |
DUS Centre of Melia dubia
5 |
Processing and Value addition of MFPs [Terminalias - (Myrobalans)] for effective livelihood improvement of forest dwellers
Ministry of Tribal Affairs, GoI |
6 |
Developing micropropagation techniques for mass multiplication of identified genotypes of Pterocarpus santalinus
National Biodiversity Authority |
7 |
Diversity assessment of Saraca asoca (Roxb.) de Wilde for selection of superior chemotypes and mass propagation
National Medicinal Plants Board |
8 |
Development of seed production systems of commercially exploited tree species - an initiative for continuous supply of quality seeds and seedlings
National Medicinal Plants Board |
9 |
Multi site testing of selected clones of teak to identify site specific clones
Kerala Forest Department |
10 |
Evaluating genes of Artemia in Eucalyptus roots for enhancing salt tolerance
DST-SERB-Department of Science and Technology, GoI |
11 |
Development of DNA marker sets for origin verification and timber tracking in Pterocarpus santalinus (Sub project -4)
National Biodiversity Authority |
12 |
Genome wide and geospatial approaches for enhancing the adaptive potential of threatened rattan resources in India (Network project)
Department of Biotechnology (DBT), Govt. of India |
13 |
Assessment of adaptive genetic diversity in teak and sandalwood to guide conservation and genetic improvement efforts - Sub Project 1: Development of molecular signatures of local adaptation to enhance the climate change resilience of teak- Sub Project 2: Documentation and management of adaptive genetic diversity in Santalum album (Indian sandalwood) for conservation and improvement programs
Department of Biotechnology (DBT), Min. of Science &Technology, Govt. of India, New Delhi |
14 |
Domestication, Sustainable Utilisation and Conservation of Pterocarpus santalinus (Red Sanders) Genetic Resources Sub project 3: Genetic structure assessment for genecological zonation
National Biodiversity Authority |