Chemistry and Bioprospecting / Achievements
- Projects (worth of Rs. 5 crores)
- NFRP – 13
- AICRPs- 3
Oil based Biopesticide
- Biopesticides -Vilvekam (Bael, Aegle marmelos seed oil based formulation) was developed and released in the year 2011.
- Hy-Act – Biopesticide-Hydnocarpus pentandra seed oil based preformulated biopesticide against teak defoliator Hyblea purea, casuarina bark eating caterpillar Inderbela quadrinotata and ailanthus defoliator Eligma narsisuss was developed and released in the year 2012.
- Tree PALH a new biopesticidal product of seed oil based formulation developed from Hydnocarpus pentandra was released during “Tree growers Mela February, 2013” at Institute of Forest Genetics and Tree Breeding, Coimbatore.
Biobooster and Biofertilizers
Growth promoter
- "Tree rich biobooster” using ecofriendly organic materials for growth improvement of fast growing trees species such as Casuarina, Gmelina, Ailanthus, Melia and Eucalyptus has been developed and introduced during “Tree growers Mela February, 2013” at Institute of Forest Genetics and Tree Breeding, Coimbatore.
- Vermico-IPM (Instant organic potting mixture) was developed and released on 2nd February, 2016.
- R-500” Phytomedicine-(rejuvenating capsule) for antidepressant, anxiolytic and hypoglycemic properties from aegle fruit has been developed with due pharmacological evaluation.
Green Insecticide
- A microbial biopesticide from endophytic fungus of entomopathogenic significance Nigrospora sphaerica Ento-fight naSa has been developed and released on 19th November, 2014 at Institute of Forest Genetics and Tree Breeding, Coimbatore
- Crawl clean – Botanicals based Biopesticide has been developed and released on 16th June 2015 for the management of Papaya mealybug, P. marginatus.
Natural colourant
- Tara Red– The colourant has been developed from Tamarindusindicaand can be used for food, textile and cosmetics.
- A free mobile “app” on “Tree Pests of India” has been released : contributed the content part of the app which includes insect pests of 25 important tree crops and the information about insects, damage caused and control measure.
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A “Home Garden Kit” was developed by IFGTB and introduced to users on 1st October, 2018. The home garden kit carries an ecofriendly cloth bag with Tree rich biobooster (an organic potting mixture developed from waste), a Tulsi sapling (medicinal plant); a Sorgamaram (vastu tree) sapling; a Bhendi (Okra) sapling; Bhendi (Okra) seeds, an organic insecticide along with a “user pamphlet”.
A Biopesticide Simca BC – from seed oil of Simarouba glauca has been developed and released by Dr. Suresh Gairola, DG, ICFRE, during RRC on Management of fragile ecosystem in climate change scenario on 20th November, 2019 at IFGTB Coimbatore.
Bioprospecting potential of papaya C. Papayaand an alien weed, E. crassipes were evaluated as antioxidants, anticancerous, antimicrobial and anti-insect properties
Isolated and identified anacardic acid, catechol, resorcinol and Bhilawanol from seed extracts of Semecarpus anacardium to develop biopesticide formulation.
Fruit pulp of Annona muricata is found to be a good source of essential nutrition; anticancer and antioxidant properties hence it may be consider as a wild edible fruit for value addition.
Isolated and identified cylcopentanyl fatty acids viz., Hydnocarpic acid, chaulmrgric acid and gorlic acids from seed oil of Hydnocarpus pentandra with insecticidal properties.
Estimation of Shikimic acid: a precursor for Antiviral Drug, Tamiflu in A. marmelos and E. crassipes was made.
Biopesticidal potential of Seminarpus anacardium on defoliating insects is evaluated
Solution strategy to contain invasive alien insects viz., Eucalyptus gall wasp, Leptocybe invasa and papaya mealybug, Paracoccus marginatus
Incidence of Cossus cadambae Moore (Lepidoptera:Cossidae) on Neolamarckia cadamba was studied.
Standardized technique to reduce crude fibre in leaves of Ailanthus excelsa for use as animal fodder as per BIS standard.
Identified anticancerous properties in Cocculus pendulus.
Discovery of new species of grasshoppers (Orthoptera) Trigonocorypha ponmaniae, T. thiruvannamalaiensis, and T. thenesis and published.
Key for identification of fifty two species of Orthoptera of Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve and released on 19th November, 2014.
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Isolation of entomopathogenic endophytes from leaves of tropical tree species viz., Tectona grandis, Gmelina arborea, Ailanthus excels, and Pterocarpus santalinus. Molecular identification of 13 endophytic fungi of entomopathogenic significance was identified through molecular characterization and confirmed as Aspergillus sp., Aspergillu sterrus, Trichoderma harizanum, Acremonium borodinense, Lecanicillium lecanii and Phialemonium sp. Trichoderma virens, Rhizopus oryzae, Aspergillus flavus, Aspergillus oryzae, Trichoderma harzianum, Aspergillus terreus and Trichoderma reesei based on nucleotide homology and phylogenetic analysis. The gene sequences were deposited in NCBI GenBank MW882241-MW882247; OL801347 to OL801353.