भावाअशिप - वन आनुवंशिकी एवं वृक्ष प्रजनन संस्थान, कोयम्बटूर
ICFRE - Institute of Forest Genetics and Tree Breeding, Coimbatore
Rain Forest Research Institute, Jorhat
Institute of Forest Genetics and Tree Breeding, Coimbatore

Forest Genetic Resource Management / Achievements

The division was formed in 2011. A Workshop on Forest Genetic Resources Management Network was organized in 2011.The roles and responsibilities of networking partners on FGR management and the prioritized species for FGR conservation were discussed in the workshop.


Selection of Teak populations for Conservation

    A total of 252 teak populations and plantations were surveyed in different parts of Kerala and Tamil Nadu and studied the morphological characteristics. Recorded growth and GPS data.

    Identified 62 populations and plantations which showed distinct and desirable characteristics for in situ conservation.


Ex situ conservation of Teak

    A total 41 superior teak trees were selected, multiplied clonally and conserved in the clone bank as ex situ conservation stand. Established clonal trial of Teak at Salem.

Selection and Conservation of Pongamia pinnata

    91 superior trees of Pongamia have been selected based on high fruit yield in different parts of Tamil Nadu, Kerala and Pondicherry.

    The selected trees were multiplied clonally and established clonal trial, clone bank and germplasm bank as ex situ conservation.

    Analysed oil content of 91 selected Pongamia clones, and identified 19 clones which showed high fruit yield and high oil content for clonal plantation programme.


Selection and evaluation of Callophyllum inophyllum

    Selected 220 high fruit yielding CPTs of Calophyllum inophyllum from Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Karnataka, Puducherry and Andamans. Shortlisted 40 superior clones yielding 55% and above Calophyllum oil and laid multilocation trials at Gudalur, Neyveli and Salem research stations. Evaluated the clones for productivity and identified 6 superior clones for variety release.


Selection of germplasm of Neolamarckia cadamba

    Selected 100 candidate plus trees of Neolamarckia cadamba from Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Andaman and Assam. Three progeny trials have been established at Gudalur, Neyveli and Panampally.

    Best performing individuals were selected from the progeny trials, multiplied vegetatively and raised a clonal trial at Gudalur in 2017.


Field Gene bank of Eucalyptus camaldulensis

    Selected 325 outstanding individuals of Eucalyptus camaldulensis from progeny trials. Of these 157 individuals have been vegetatively propagated and conserved as gene bank at Panampally (Kerala). The remaining clones will be planted in the clone bank.


Documentation of Genetic Resources

    The genetic resources of Teak and E.camaldulensis established in the form of CSO,SSO,SPA, Clone bank, Germplasm bank etc by State forest departments and Research Institutes in Tamil Nadu and Kerala were evaluated and documented. Identified 37 potential orchards and SPAs for effective utilization.


Molecular characterization of germplasm

    The genetic variation of selected 91 Pongamia clones has been studied using molecular markers. The genetic diversity of seed production areas of Teak is in progress.

Eucalyptus camaldulensis Clonal trial and release of clone

    Twelve clonal trials of Eucalyptus have been established at Tamil Nadu, AP and Karnataka. From these trials 2 outperforming clones namely EC 9 and EC 17 have been released.

    Multiplied 280 clones of Eucalyptus camaldulensis and established two clonal trials at Manakkarai forest research station and at Marakkanam (TAFCORN).


Seed germination and seedling quality

    Improved seed germination and seedling quality through pelletization and developed 'ready to use' pelleted seeds of important tree species such as Aegle marmelos, Gmelina arborea, Acacia nilotica, Albizia lebbeck, Albizia amara, Acacia leucophloea and Sapindus emarginatus. Developed a multiple seed pellet and supplied to farmers

    Standardized seed pelleting of Sandal, identified Pithecellobium as a suitable host and successfully laid regeneration trials (2.5 ha) of sandal seed pellets at Ellukuli, Anchetty, Hogenakkal, Urigam & Sitheri Hills.


Enrichment planting of highly traded species for in-situ conservation in the Eastern Ghats

    Conducted species distribution and regeneration studies of of 12 traded species of Eastern Ghats at various altitudes in Kolli Hills forests. A total of 60 survey plots were laid - 25 in Kolli hills, 17 in Pachamalai, 5 in Solaimathi and 13 in Puliancholai viz, 20 plots each at three different altitudes were marked and enumerated the vegetation. The data is being consolidated. Interim information is presented below. A total of 291 species falling under 81 families were recorded in the four sites.

    Enrichment planting of 12 study species such as Aegle marmelos, Albizia amara, Limonia acidissima, Sapindus emarginatus, Santalum album, Scheleichera oleosa, Strychnos nux-vomica, Syzigium cumini, Canarium strictum, Givotia rotelleriformis, Celastrus paniculata and Terminalia bellirica, was successfully completed in 9 ha at Kolli hills, Puliancholai, Pachamalai and Solaimathi in three different altitudinal ranges 901 msl and above, 401-900 msl and 201-400 msl. Enrichment planting of the study species was completed covering 9 ha.


Training Organized on Forest Genetic Resource Management

    One week Training course on Forest Genetic Resources Management funded by MoEF &CC has been conducted to IFS officers every year since 2011. So far 8 trainings have been conducted, and IFS officers from different states attended the Training.


Training to Scientists and Research staffs of ICFRE on FGR Management

    To implement the FGRMN programme in different states by ICFRE Institutes, one week Training on Forest Genetic Resource Management and Conservation was conducted to Scientists and Research staffs of ICFRE Institutes.