भावाअशिप - वन आनुवंशिकी एवं वृक्ष प्रजनन संस्थान, कोयम्बटूर
ICFRE - Institute of Forest Genetics and Tree Breeding, Coimbatore
Rain Forest Research Institute, Jorhat
Institute of Forest Genetics and Tree Breeding, Coimbatore

Forest Genetic Resource Management / Scientific Staff

Human Resources

Name Designation Contact Number Email ID
Dr.R.Anandalakshmi Scientist - G 2484166 lakshmir[at]icfre[dot]org
Dr.A.Vijayaraghavan Scientist-F, Head 2484191 vijayaraghavana[at]icfre[dot]org
Shri M.M.Dominic Scientist - E 2484222 dominic@icfre.org