भावाअशिप - वन आनुवंशिकी एवं वृक्ष प्रजनन संस्थान, कोयम्बटूर
ICFRE - Institute of Forest Genetics and Tree Breeding, Coimbatore
Rain Forest Research Institute, Jorhat
Institute of Forest Genetics and Tree Breeding, Coimbatore

Silviculture & Forest Management / Major Areas

    Silviculture and Forest management techniques

    Resource assessment and sustainable management of important forest species

    Nursery and plantation technologies of important forest and TOF species

    Seed technology (collection, processing, viability, storage, certification and germination) of forestry species

    Management and control of weeds & invasive species

    Forest economics and Biometrics

    Wood and NTFP based forest industries in relation to raw material supply, including demand, supply and marketing of forestry/TOF produce.

    Research and technical support for agro-forestry/TOF practices and model development.

    Conservation, propagation and sustainable harvest of lesser known tree species

    Establishment/ revival of preservation and sample plots for long term observational studies on growth and impact of climate change.

    Appropriate cultivation, harvesting and post harvest techniques of important NTFPs

    Strengthening and maintenance of repositories, germplasm, etc.

    Research and knowledge management on forest fires.

    Other related contemporary forestry issues.


  • The Division maintains Clone banks of Casuarina equisetifolia and Casuarina junghuhniana, Neem, Amla and Tamarind. It is mandated to meet the seedling requirement of all the Divisions and support nursery based research. Specialised research activities like controlled crossing, grafting, biofertiliser and biopesticidal studies are also supported. To support tree growers, seedlings are also distributed to the General public, industries, schools and government departments.
  • The Division regularly conducts training in nursery management for the farmers and foresters. The division has a Soil and Water Testing lab in the main building where soil analysis is done for all the experiments of the institute.
  • The division maintains the Field Research Stations at Panampally, Salem, Chennai, Thuvarankuruchi, Neyveli and Tirunelveli with the collaboration of Tamil Nadu Forest Department.
The Division, in association with scientists of other Divisions have carried out the following consultancies.
  • Clonal multiplication of Eucalyptus- consultancy rendered to APFDC in 1997 and to KFDC in 2000 (jointly with PBT&C, FP and GTI divisions).
  • Mid-term evaluation of the National Afforestation Programme (NAP) in the states of Tamilnadu and Kerala.
  • Under the consultancy project sponsored by UNDP on "Participatory Agroforestry Programme for Poverty Alleviation and Environmental Restoratation in Perur block, Coimbatore" with Shanti Ashram, an NGO in Coimbatore.
  • Preparation of management plan for Sriharikota Island - for the Department of Space.
  • NATCOM project - for estimation of Soil organic carbon in different forest types.
  • Yield assessment of plantations of TNPL.
  • FDA evaluation, Kerala.
  • Evaluation of Red sanders plantation in Namakkal Dist, Tamil Nadu.
The officers and scientists of the Division were also involved in consultancies rendered collectively by the Institute, namely,
  • Environmental Impact Assessment of various projects related to mining in Andhra Pradesh and Orissa.
  • Consultancy on establishment of Clonal Seed Orchards of Casuarina equisetifolia for the Andhra Pradesh Paper Mills, Rajahmundry.
  • Participated for discussion in working plan review of Tamil Nadu Forest department