भावाअशिप - वन आनुवंशिकी एवं वृक्ष प्रजनन संस्थान, कोयम्बटूर
ICFRE - Institute of Forest Genetics and Tree Breeding, Coimbatore
Rain Forest Research Institute, Jorhat
Institute of Forest Genetics and Tree Breeding, Coimbatore

List of Completed NFRP

S.No Name of the Project Principal Investigator
1 Preparation of Volume and Yield Table for Indigenous Tree Species in Tamil Nadu. Dr.C.Buvaneswaran
2 Assessment of soil organic carbon under different land uses in Tamil Nadu Dr. A.C.Suryaprabha NFRP-140
3 Agroforestry Interventions and Conservation of Tree Genetic Resources of Acacia leucophloea in traditional 'Korangadu' Silvi-pasture system towards fodder security Dr.C.Buvaneswaran
4 Evaluation of windbreaks for enhancing water use efficiency, crop productivity and climate change resilience in farmlands in semiarid regions of Tamil Nadu Dr.C.Buvaneswaran
5 Screening tree species for intra-specific variation in carbon sequestration potential under elevated Co2 Dr.C.Buvaneswaran
6 Invasion impacts of Acacia mearnsii on changes in soil fertility status of shola forests in the Western Ghats Dr. A.C.Surya Prabha NFRP-144
7 Assessment of soil organic carbon under different land uses in Tamil Nadu Dr. A.C.Surya Prabha
8 Evaluation of selected phenotypes of Casuarina for establishment of windbreaks in farmlands in the western zone of Tamil Nadu Dr.C.Buvaneswaran
9 Development of models for conversion of plantations into secondary forests in Andaman. Dr.S.Saravanan
10 Restoration ecology and species recovery studies in Tsunami impacted mangrove areas in Andaman. Dr.S.Saravanan
11 Introduction and evaluation of fast growing tree species under different agro-climatic zones of Tamil Nadu Dr.S.Saravanan
12 Characterization of Eucalyptus clones for physiological and nutritional parameters Dr.S.Saravanan
13 Assessment on carbon pool potential of important tree species at different sites, ages and management regimes Dr. C. Buvaneswaran
14 Study on market dynamics related to important Non-Timber Forest Produce (NTFP) in Tamil Nadu. Dr.S.Saravanan
15 Demonstration of agroforestry technologies for enhancing the livelihood opportunities in different agroclimatic zones of Tamil Nadu. Dr.S.Saravanan
16 Studies on response of important tree species to elevated CO2 levels under simulated temperature and moisture regimes at seedling stage Dr.C.Buvaneswaran
17 Studies on the population structure & reproduction of Pterocarpus marsupium in Tamil Nadu & Kerala M. Maria Dominic Savio
18 Evolving silvicultural practices for Casuarina junghuhniana ssp timorensis M. Maria Dominic Savio
19 Standardization of containerized nursery practices for selected forest tree species M. Maria Dominic Savio
20 Studies on productivity of Acacia mangium plantations in Kerala. Dr.C.Buvaneswaran
21 Investigations on wood properties of teak in relation to variation in age and site factors. Dr.C.Buvaneswaran