भावाअशिप - वन आनुवंशिकी एवं वृक्ष प्रजनन संस्थान, कोयम्बटूर
ICFRE - Institute of Forest Genetics and Tree Breeding, Coimbatore
Rain Forest Research Institute, Jorhat
Institute of Forest Genetics and Tree Breeding, Coimbatore

List of Ongoing NFRP Projects

S.No Name of the Project Principal Investigator
1 Study of variation in Pterocarpus santalinus for growth and heartwood content according to edaphic and climatic factors in Tamil Nadu. Dr. Maheshwar Hegde
2 Selection and screening of germplasm of Thespesia populnea for improving productivity Dr.Kannan C.S. Warrier
3 Genetic Improvement of Gmelina arborea Roxb. through selection and clonal evaluation A.Mayavel
4 Developing breeding populations of teak with broad genetic base for long term genetic improvement B. Gurudev Singh
5 NFRP 157 - Testing of new set of provenances of Acacia mangium and estimation of genetic gain from first and second generation seed orchards. A.Mayavel
6 NFRP 172 - Genetic improvement of Thespesia populnea
7 NFRP 177 - Selection and evaluation of Haldina cordifolia (Roxb.) Ridsdale for higher wood productivity. Dr.Kannan C.S. Warrier
8 NFRP 185 - Clonal evaluation and establishing seed orchards for increasing productivity in Ailanthus excels D.Rajasugunasekar